Easy Way To Trim Your Tummy:
The tremendous health benefits of salmon can not be over-emphasized. Salmon is high in the much desired Omega-3 and it is also good in fighting inflammation.
According to a study by the University of Kentucky, Watermelon was found to prevent artery clogging and reduces fat build up.
Adding yogurt to your diet aids digestion and thus helps give you a flatter tummy.
Olive Oil:
Replace your cooking oils and fatty dressings with Olive oil. Olive oil is packed with mono-unsaturated fatty acids that make for easy digestion.
Green Tea:
Green tea helps speed up metabolism and inhibits the absorption of fat that could make you develop pot belly.
Another healthy treat is walnuts, walnuts can easily fill you up and stop you from over-eating.
Having an egg or two daily can help flattened your tummy. Eggs are filled with lutein vitamins and other amino acids.
Bananas are full of fibre and other nutrients, they fill you up quickly and help fight bloating and developing a big belly.
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Secret Service Shoots Armed Man Near the White House
President Trump was in Florida at the time of the episode, during which a
man held a gun and a confrontation ensued, the agency said.
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