Celebrating Maulud is an innovation that should be discarded by all true Muslims as neither the Prophet (SAW) nor his rightly guided Caliphs observed it.
Islam was revealed to Mankind through the Messengership of Muhammad Ibn Abdullahi (SAW) and Allah (SWT) says in the Qur'an that the Prophet has completed his mission and all that is left for us is to follow the Prophet's teachings.
None of such teachings include the celebration of Maulud! Maulud is not from Prophet Muhammad (SAW), it is rather an innovation, and all innovators are of the Hell-fire said the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
Let's therefore desist from this devilish act of celebrating Birthday of our Beloved Prophet (SAW) especially when we know that the origin of Birthday was derived from the Pagan Rites.
May Allah (SWT) Guide us and have mercy upon us all, Amen.
Secret Service Shoots Armed Man Near the White House
President Trump was in Florida at the time of the episode, during which a
man held a gun and a confrontation ensued, the agency said.
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