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Daily Hadith

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Punishment Of The Grave!

God Almighty Declares:

Every soul shall taste death.
[Sur'ah Al Mulk: 57]

When leaving this life the angels faces will be white, then the angel of death will sit on his shoulders & take out his soul.

The 3 questions you'll be asked:

Who is your Lord?(man rabbuk?) من ربك؟
Who is your Prophet?(man nabiyyuk?) من نبيوك؟
What is your religion?(ma deenuk?) ما دينك؟

The prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم said "my ummah shall be tested in their graves"

A person who was upon khayre (good), when they are being buried, their bodies go light & they will say "hurry & bury me" whereas if it was a person who was upon shaar (bad)'s body will go heavy & say "woe to you, where are you taking me?"

When the person is put into the grave, when people are walking away, he hears the footsteps, & the two angels will come & sit him up & ask him the 3 questions, if he says he doesn't not know, then they will hit him between the two ears with hammers & all creatures will hear except the jinns & mankind.

Narrated by Aisha رَضِي اللَّهُ عَنْها the prophet used to seek refuge in ALLAH (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى) from the punishment of the grave during salah.

The grave of the believer will be expanded, & his grave would be lighted up for him just like the moon.

If we are truthful, a door will be open for him, & he will smell the fragrance of Jann'ah.

A kuffar, a beast will whip them, until Allah سبحانه وتعالى says so, he will increase them in misery, & their graves will be as tight till his ribs crush into one another. The door of hellfire will be opened for him & he will feel the heat of Jahanam.

Indeed if you were to pass away, your position would be shown to you, either Jahanam or Jannah, till Al-Qiyamah (Judgement day)

The evil man, will sit, in his grave with fear & panic & the believe will be free of fear.

EVERY person will be pressed, once they enter their grave. The believer would be pressed as if a mother is holding her baby, & the kuffar will be pressed till their ribs are crushed.
Union Paradise®

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